AT&T International Roaming

If you've been in an airport anytime in the last year or so, you may have seen these posters. We've shot around 30 of them. These are some of my favorite. They ran in other mediums but the backlit posters are spectacular in person (Kelly's Finalist)

Interesting anecdote about this campaign: Brian Locascio, the art director, found hand painter Guido Daniele online. He's from Milan and doesn't speak English. So I called my friend Andric, (who is a fantastic photographer and happens to be Italian) to help translate for us and shoot this campaign. What a great team it turned out to be.

Save The Children

Teenage pregnancy is on the rise. We had to be provacative in our approach. Just the idea in it's roughest form was very hard hitting. The line "one condom saves both lives" really gave the message the extra punch. Whenever you have a great idea like this, you have to make sure to pay extreme attention to detail.

The photography had to have contrast.

We approached Jim Fiscus, the photographer, with samples ranging from Norman Rockwell to 1950's Vogue magazine covers. We felt the photograph had to have an innocence to it. (D&AD, Silver Cannes Lion, One Show and many other shows)

AT&T Media Net-Part 1

Video on Demand is probably the best thing that happened to cable television. But a really bad thing for advertisers. How do you get viewers to watch a 1 minute demonstration of a new product? You tease them with entertainment.

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AT&T Media Net-Part 2

This would run after the video on demand.
You don't have to watch all of demo on the back end of this spot. But many of our viewers did.

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AT&T Unlimited Texting

Texting is the new past time amongst teens. They even have started to say BFF and OMG out loud in their conversations.

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AT&T More Bars in More Places

AT&T wanted to reinforce their wireless coverage claim. Their theme was more bars in more places. So we did a campaign where there were literally more bars in more places. See how many you can find. We had a blast hiding them. And we wanted it to look as natural as possible.

Mountain Dew-MDX

Energy drinks claim they can increase your reaction speed. So with hardly any money, we decided to run small space ads connected to voicemail. Really interesting buy...

Fannie Kate's

How do you mass market without mass appeal? If you have a hidden gem, like this Bed & Breakfast. How do you advertise without having busloads of people show up?
Because if that happens, the place is ruined.

"No one goes there any more, that place is too crowded"
-Yogi Berra

This campaign raised awareness with the people we needed to. (One Show, CA)

AT&T International Long Distance

Our country is very diverse. A lot of the people that live here have family and friends who live back home...In England, China, Mexico, All over the world. AT&T has low long distance calling, just pennies per minute. That's the theme of this campaign.

Thanks to Rori Odani AD and Jason Miller CW. For spending 30 straight hours putting these together.

AT&T Gophone

What do most teenagers want for Christmas? On the top of the list is a new cellphone. But the parents are afraid of the residual effects. HIGH CELLPHONE BILLS!

We used the classic movie "A Christmas Story" as a parallel. Remember when Ralphie would for a Red Ryder BB gun? The adults would say "you'll shoot your eye out kid". We decided to use Ralphie to ask for a new cellphone, therefore the adults would say "you'll run the bill up kid".

A fun shoot.

Attenetion to detail is key. We matched everything to the original movie....except we updated to be in the 2000's. (the milk carton, the sink, the clock on the stove, everything in the scenes were under scrutiny)

Bob Clark, the director of the original movie, tracked me down for a copy after he saw it run on air.

Federal Voting Commission

We were tired of people complaining. We wanted them to get up and do something instead of just whining about it. The best thing anyone over the age of 18 can do is to vote. Since the target is mostly online we emailed this piece to them. (CA, One Show Interactive)

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AT&T U-verse

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{4 spots. Takes a second to load please be patient. Thanks.}

The cable TV market is ultra competitive. Every company in the category is trying to get people to switch their providers. AT&T's new U-verse product was an alternative and a direct competitor to the cable companies. We thought we would teach people how to break-up with cable by using the smoothest ladies man we could find. Why not use the Colt 45 pitchman....Billy Dee Williams? Still, even at 72, is the smoothest ladies man alive.

Guiness Extra Cold

These were fun. I love doing graphic simple design. Chris Bakay did a great job on this series of ads. The boston terrier one is my favorite. These garnered us a One Show pencil. (One Show Bronze, CA and a number of other shows)

American Red Cross

There is a continuous shortage of blood. We created a stark emergency-like message to get people's attention. It worked so well this simple 15 second message was syndicated across many markets.

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